
Welcome to my Media blog. This blog holds my homework for Media BTEC.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Different genres of film and their codes and conventions.

Before we watch a film, we think of the genre of film we are watching and think what the film may include.
Conventions is basically this, the things people expect to find in a film which is under a certain genre. For example, Action films include guns, violence, explosions, spys, car chases etc.
Here are some genres of film and what conventions come under that genre.

                                   -Blood & Gore                  -Brutal weapon
                                  -Death                               -Violence
                                  -Evil                                  -Lunatics and other vile characters
                                 - Murder                             -CGI
                                -Establishing shot             -Danger
                               -Fear                                 -Extreme close up
                               -tilt/pan camera angle     -Old fashioned clothing (in some cases)
                                -High/Low angle

 Victim of a torture contraption in the film SAW IV
                                                                                         Screenshot from the western True Grit.
-Cowboys                          -Gunfights
-Indians                              -Smoking
-Desert Mise-En-Scene     - Weapons
-Horses                              -Train Robberys
-Gunfights                         -Old American dialect
-Duels                                -Slow motion as revolvers are drawn
-Tobacco                           -Rodeo
-Saloons                            -Card games
-Bar brawls                        -Tumbleweeed
Codes and conventions are very different from each other. Conventions are factors of a film which are expected to be in a certain film, by the audience. Such as the examples above. Whereas codes are the ways and methods that emotions and feelings are presented in films and productions. For example when you watch a horror film, and a character's arm has been decapitated, at that moment the audience feel queazy and horrified. This feeling is usually portrayed by the sounds and images which the audience views. such as screaming/shouting when the arm is torn off and the image of the arm being torn off both link together to make the feeling almost exaggerated. 
Here are some more examples of codes from different film genres:

 Action Genre
Image: Person being shot in the chest.
Code: The feeling portrayed when the person is shot is amplified my the sound of the gunshot, the image of the victim crippling up and falling on the ground as blood is ejected from his body This makes the audience feel sympathy but also adrenaline fuelled as they feel as if they were there in person, or they pulled the trigger themselves. 

Image: Couple on a bridge over a lake in the winter
Code: The audience feel happy for the couple as they walk towards each other. As the characters exchange emotions by a kiss, the audience feel all gooey inside. some may even feel regret as this certain scene in the film may mirror a relationship that a person i the audience may have had. 


Image: Man running away from an avalanche.
Code: The audience feel as if they ate there in the moment. They find themselves holding their breath as the characters is running down the hill away from the snow. When the man trips and rolls down the hill, the audience feel shocked and worried for him, almost as if they are related to that character in some way.


  1. Your material is fairly well presented within the blog. You make good use made of graphics to identify genres in an engaging visual way. You could use more of these. As a development of your presentational techniques, you could now try to employ an online media tool such as Prezi to deliver an objective of this kind. This would allow you to annotate graphics and integrate video in your analysis.

    You successfully list a number of conventions from each of the four genres you’ve chosen to explore, horror and western (you were asked to look at three or four). Your paraphrasing of what is meant by the media specific terms “convention” and “code” is fairly good and you scrape at the surface of how codes work in media texts.

    However, you do not explore technical codes in any real depth or detail. This is an area for development. Anchor yourself with a specific moving image extract and explore how technical elements such as CAMERA, SOUND, MISE-EN-SCÈNE, EDITING or SPECIAL EFFECTS (which may also be conventions of the genre) are used to: communicate with / manipulate / engage the audience; and lead the audience to understand / think / feel / expect certain things.

    A reasonably good homework. D

  2. Please delete the previous comment. It was erroneously posted.

    Your material is fairly well presented within the blog. You make good use of graphics to identify genres in an engaging visual way. You could use more of these. As a development of your presentational techniques, you could now try to employ an online media tool such as Prezi to deliver an objective of this kind. This would allow you to annotate graphics and integrate video in your analysis.

    You successfully list a number of conventions from each of genres you’ve chosen to explore, horror and western (you were asked to look at three or four). Your paraphrasing of what is meant by the media specific terms “convention” and “code” is fairly good and you scrape at the surface of how codes work in media texts.

    However, you do not explore technical codes in any real depth or detail. This is an area for development. Anchor yourself with a specific moving image extract and explore how technical elements such as CAMERA, SOUND, MISE-EN-SCÈNE, EDITING or SPECIAL EFFECTS (which may also be conventions of the genre) are used to: communicate with / manipulate / engage the audience; and lead the audience to understand / think / feel / expect certain things.

    A reasonably good homework. D-
